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- %%% ====================================================================
- %%% @LaTeX-package-file{
- %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey",
- %%% version = "1.301",
- %%% date = "3 January 1994",
- %%% time = "23:34:20 GMT",
- %%% filename = "fontdoc.sty",
- %%% address = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
- %%% University of Sussex
- %%% Brighton BN1 9QH
- %%% UK",
- %%% telephone = "+44 273 606755 x 3238",
- %%% FAX = "+44 273 678188",
- %%% checksum = "???",
- %%% email = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk",
- %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
- %%% keywords = "AFM, virtual fonts, fonts, PostScript, TeX",
- %%% supported = "yes",
- %%% abstract = "This LaTeX package contains commands for
- %%% documenting etx and mtx files from the
- %%% fontinst package.",
- %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
- %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
- %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
- %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
- %%% characters. This is produced by Robert
- %%% Solovay's checksum utility.",
- %%% package = "fontinst",
- %%% dependencies = "none",
- %%% }
- %%% ====================================================================
- \raggedright
- \raggedbottom
- \newdimen\a@dimen
- \newcount\a@count
- \newcount\slot@number
- \let\plainint=\int
- \def\identity#1{#1}
- \def\x@cs#1#2{\expandafter#1\csname#2\endcsname}
- \def\encoding{
- \bgroup
- \slot@number=0
- }
- \def\endencoding{\egroup}
- \let\metrics=\encoding
- \let\endmetrics=\endencoding
- \def\needsfontinstversion#1{\Bheading{Needs fontinst v#1}}
- \def\ifisglyph#1\then{\iftrue}
- \def\ifisint#1\then{\iftrue}
- \def\ifisdim#1\then{\iftrue}
- \def\ifisstr#1\then{\iftrue}
- \let\then=\iffalse
- \def\Aheading#1{\par\medskip\noindent{\bf#1}\par}
- \def\Bheading#1{\par\noindent{\bf#1}}
- \def\setdim#1#2{\a@dimen=#2\relax\Bheading{Default} #1 = \the\a@dimen}
- \def\setint#1#2{\Bheading{Default} #1 = $\expression0{#2}$}
- \def\setstr#1#2{\Bheading{Default} #1 = #2}
- \def\resetdim#1#2{\a@dimen=#2\relax\Bheading{Value} #1 = \the\a@dimen}
- \def\resetint#1#2{\Bheading{Value} #1 = $\expression0{#2}$}
- \def\resetstr#1#2{\Bheading{Value} #1 = #2}
- \def\expression#1#2{\a@count=#1\relax#2}
- \def\bracket#1{(#1)}
- \def\priority#1#2{
- \ifnum\a@count<#1
- \let\next=\identity
- \else
- \let\next=\bracket
- \fi
- \next{#2}
- }
- \def\int#1{{\fam0#1}}
- \def\width#1{w({\fam0#1})}
- \def\height#1{h({\fam0#1})}
- \def\depth#1{d({\fam0#1})}
- \def\italic#1{i({\fam0#1})}
- \def\kerning#1#2{k({\fam0#1})({\fam0#1})}
- \def\neg#1{\priority8{-\expression6{#1}}}
- \def\add#1#2{\priority2{\expression2{#1}+\expression2{#2}}}
- \def\sub#1#2{\priority2{\expression3{#1}-\expression3{#2}}}
- \def\mul#1#2{\priority4{\expression4{#1}\times\expression4{#2}}}
- \def\div#1#2{\priority4{\expression5{#1}/\expression5{#2}}}
- \def\max#1#2{\priority6{\expression6{#1}\sqcup\expression6{#2}}}
- \def\min#1#2{\priority7{\expression7{#1}\sqcap\expression7{#2}}}
- \def\scale#1#2{\div{\mul{#1}{#2}}{1000}}
- \def\nextslot#1{\slot@number=#1\relax}
- \def\setslot#1{\def\slot@name{#1}\Aheading{Slot \the\slot@number\space `#1'}}
- \def\endsetslot{\advance\slot@number by 1\relax}
- \def\ligature#1{\Bheading{Ligature} \csname doc-#1\endcsname}
- \x@cs\def{doc-LIG}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow #2$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-/LIG}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow \slot@name * #2$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-LIG/}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow #2 * #1$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-/LIG/}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow \slot@name * #2 * #1$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-/LIG>}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow \slot@name + #2$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-LIG/>}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow #2 + #1$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-/LIG/>}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow \slot@name + #2 * #1$}
- \x@cs\def{doc-/LIG/>>}#1#2{$\fam0 \slot@name * #1 \rightarrow \slot@name + #2 + #1$}
- \def\comment{\par\noindent}
- \def\nextlarger#1{\Bheading{Next larger} #1}
- \def\varchar{\Bheading{Extensible glyph:}}
- \def\vartop#1{\Bheading{Top} #1}
- \def\varmid#1{\Bheading{Middle} #1}
- \def\varbot#1{\Bheading{Bottom} #1}
- \def\varrep#1{\Bheading{Repeated} #1}
- \let\endvarchar\relax
- \def\setkern#1#2#3{\Bheading{Kern} ${\fam0 #1 + #2} \rightarrow
- \expression0{#3}$}
- \def\setleftkerning#1#2#3{\Bheading{Kern} #1 on the left like #2
- scaled $\expression0{#3}$}
- \def\setrightkerning#1#2#3{\Bheading{Kern} #1 on the right like #2
- scaled $\expression0{#3}$}
- \def\setrawglyph#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{\Aheading{Glyph `#1'}
- \Bheading{Taken from} slot #4 in font #2}
- \def\setglyph#1{\Aheading{Glyph `#1'}}
- \def\endsetglyph{}
- \def\resetglyph#1{\Aheading{Reset glyph `#1'}}
- \def\reendsetglyph{}
- \def\glyph#1#2{\Bheading{Glyph} #1 scaled $\expression0{#2}$}
- \def\glyphrule#1#2{\Bheading{Rule} $\expression0{#1}$ by
- $\expression0{#2}$}
- \def\glyphspecial#1{\Bheading{Special} `#1'}
- \def\glyphwarning#1{\Bheading{Warning} `#1'}
- \def\movert#1{\Bheading{Rt}~$\expression0{#1}$}
- \def\moveup#1{\Bheading{Up}~$\expression0{#1}$}
- \def\push{\Bheading{Push}}
- \def\pop{\Bheading{Pop}}
- \def\setcommand#1{\ifx#1\undefined@command
- \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\else
- \expandafter\def\expandafter\a@command\fi}
- \def\plain{{\tt plain}}
- \endinput